So I have been thinking about creating a blog since I was pregnant.. and well, this is what procrastination will do! My twin girls are now 8 weeks old and I am finally getting around to it.
Dave and I found out we were pregnant on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, 2009. I took 5-6 tests before I actually believed it! Now we did not want to tell our families until we were able to tell them face-to-face over Christmas, so we waited.
We decided not to tell our friends until we were further along. We had a "Prohibition Era" holiday party in December where I was successful having a few fake drinks (including a fake shot) and I even went to the bar a few times with some girls friends (gotcha Jen, Ania, and Sara!) and drank fake martinis all night:)
I received the official "yes you are pregnant" mid- December from the doc who informed me that there was no question about it, due to my apparently super-high hormone levels (which made sense later when i found out why).
One day before we hit our 12 week safe zone, I woke up with bright red spotting, which naturally freaked me out. I had been having some light spotting up until this point but it was not bright red, and this day, it was.
Dave and I were able to get an emergency appointment at the OB clinic where they did the first ultrasound. They do an internal one due to how small the baby is. Dave and I were expecting the worst- no baby. Well, we saw our little one on the screen and it was undoubtedly emotional. We were able to observe her for quite a while with our doc pointing out her spine, head, and the little sac she was growing in. Dave made a joke regarding what else was showing up on the screen... my bladder maybe?? All of a sudden, our doc had a concerned look on her face and she said that she actually did see something. Immediately I thought that it was some sort of tumor or cyst! She couldn't see behind the baby, which was where this "thing"was, so she moved to an abdominal ultrasound. She found the baby... and then she found the other baby:)
This was not even an option... twins??? I believe I let out some sort of happy obscenity after hearing the news. What a roller coaster of emotions- we arrived at the clinic thinking the baby was lost, and left with the news that we were having TWINS!
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