I wanted to breast feed from the get go. When we found out we were having twins I thought, how in the world am I going to feed them?? My dad was the first to say-- "They give you two for a reason!!"
So I had to use a nipple shield to begin with since there was nothing really stickin' out for them to grab onto- at least on the right side. It worked, but hurt like #$%*. There was a concern that they wouldn't get enough nutrition and then lose too much weight and have to be admitted to the hopsital and not take them home.
So, I also started pumping in the hospital; I was amazed when the lactation consultant was super excited about me pumping 10ml of colostrum-- thats like less than a tube of lipsticks worth. Lo and behold we fed that to the girls using a syringe. It was called finger- feeding; you would put your pinky in their mouth, and as they sucked, excrete what was in the syringe.
They didn't really catch on while in the hospital, so we supplemented a bit with formula (after the attempt on the breast, then the finger feeding). We were able to take both the girls home, so that was awesome.
So most of the nurses and lac consultant said it wasn't supposed to hurt while breast feeding if they were latched on correctly... but now, I realize that there are a lot of people out there like me... it hurts... and it doesn't really go away, I feel like i got used to it. But just side note, it took a good 6 weeks for them both to officially latch on. And it still is occasionally painful on one side.
Its interesting to me how I can feel when the 'let down' begins-- and I have figured out how to do both at once with a boppy and a couple pillows-- very efficient!
I am still pumping since I am going back to work, but its hard to find a time to do it-- right after a feed there's not much there, and then too close to the next feed- they won't get much. And... they are still (at 2 months) feeding every 2-3 hours so its quite the time management conundrum.
They both "get it" now, ever since 6 weeks, so its ironic that I go back to work- tomorrow.
you are awesome!
ReplyDeleteomg so i wrote 2 long comments on how great you are and they didnt go thru so then i just tested with the awesome thing and that tiny one went thru neways i look up to u and give u a whole bunch of gold stars for stickin to it for so long luv ya!!!