So, in utero, I was sure that Baby A (bottom baby, aka Flipper) would be Stella. Dave and I knew that one of them was definitely going to be named Stella. We did not share our name ideas with anyone since we really did not want feedback other than from ourselves. Our list (which we posted in our grafitti bathroom) which will remain a secret unless you see our bathroom! Whenever anyone asked what we were naming them, we responded with Davette, Davina, or Davita. The look on peoples' faces when they weren't sure if we were serious, was quite entertaining.
As soon as Baby B (Flapper) was born however, I looked at her and said, "this is Stella", not the other one. So by the time we got back to the L&D room, we had one name, but not the other. It was hard! Several hours went by before we decided on a name. We hadn't told my parents either name yet, and then when I talked to my sister, we thought we had the second one decided so I told her that their names were Stella and Juliana!
But wait! Thirty minutes later we changed Juliana to Luciana, because we especially liked Lucy. We still got some flowers from my fam that said Juliana however:) It was rough because for whatever reason, Baby B (Stella), looked like all the names we had picked out and Baby A didn't look like any of them at first! Since Baby B came out fist first, we had to give her the dramatic name- which we thought was Stella.
Now since we have shared the names, some people have thought that it is Luciana (Loochiana), but it is pronounced Lucy-ana. Some other comments have been "what? are you Italian now?"-- no but we like spaghetti, does that count?
Dave came up with both Stella and Lucy for names, I had to lobby for Luciana as Lucy's "formal" name. I wanted something similar to my middle name "Viana", and something that had part of my mother's name "Diana" in it as well. Stella's middle name is Rae after my father Raymond and Lucy's middle name is Drew, after Dave's middle name Andrew- which is also his grandfather's name and the name of a dear mutual friend that passed too early.
Stella means star and Luciana means light- so they are our little starlight girls!
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