First time's a charm! We had twins! And four years later, another little one! This is a place where I can tell stories, vent, and maybe pass along some insight on the trials and triumphs of life as I know it after the arrival of my little ladies (all three of them).
Friday, December 31, 2010
Our oldest twin is doing things first!
Lucy figured out breast-feeding first, she laughed first, started grabbing for toys first, and now she has officially figured out how to turn over at almost 5 months on the nose. No more hanging out on the bed just in case she has multiple rolls! In the last few days she has also figured out how to get her binky back into her mouth if it falls out (she takes it our herself frequently as well). She will even drop it next to her and turn over to grab it and pop it back in!
Now, Stella usually emulates her big sis and begins doing things shortly after Lucy does. It's kind of neat that she is learning from her 'older' sibling. I guess 7 minutes makes a difference!
I should mention that Stella was the first to find her feet and to 'talk' ; when she gets going, she just wants to be heard- and I'll tell ya, we can hear her throughout our entire 3-story house!
This video is of Stella... and her feet.
Sleeping through the Night
It makes a difference how much they eat during the day I found. If I feed them every 2-3 hours during the day, they will sleep through the night. When they are home with Daddy, they eat less and I notice that they are more likely to wake up in the middle of the night.
They are still on our room in the pack and play, the plan is to move them into their own space after my parents visit in January!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Eggnog, hot buttered Rum, and invisible Christmas trees
We did manage to visit Santa and Mrs. Claus on Thames Street. They were not your traditional merry pair;they were sitting in a tent drinking natty bohs, smoking skinny cigars, and handing out egg nog with brandy to bundled pedestrians. Needless to say, we did not plop either of our new children in St. Nick's lap.

Monday, December 6, 2010
Twins and Sleeping : The Crib Conundrum

So... maybe its not really a conundrum... maybe we just have to set up the second crib... but we were hoping to stretch it out a bit longer!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Baby Brains (To Are or not to Our)
Friday, November 26, 2010
New Sounds
So about 10 days or so ago, Lucy started making a new noise. And I think Stella learned it from her sister as she started doing it 2 days ago!
Cloth vs. Disposable Diapers
Originally, I didn't even think of cloth as an option; most of my friends with kids kind of balked at the idea, so I really just wrote it off. Then, we received the gift so I started doing some research.
My findings after using cloth (and occasionally disposable for 3 months):
- Cloth diapers including the cleaning service (along with pick up and delivery) costs approximately the same as disposables (assuming you are using 8-10 per baby per day or 5-6 per baby with disposable)
- Cloth is better for the environment overall (even though there is some argument about the energy used to wash the diapers)
- I have had no problem with diaper rash with cloth-- we just make sure their lil bums are dry before putting on a new diaper
- I change them after every feeding (every 2 hours approximately during the day)
- I use disposables at night- I decided it wasn't worth having babies waking up because they are wet, and disposables are definitely the masters in absorbtion
- I couldn't figure out how to put the cloth diaper around their hips (the pre folds were not big enough-- and maybe they aren't meant to go around their hips even), so we just fold them in thirds and place them in the cover.
- Covers: We bought a bunch at Soft and Cozy baby in Baltimore. Gussets are KEY. The interior lining of the cover should be water proof (many are not), and I prefer the velcro ones as opposed to the snaps (I have heard that as they get older snaps may work better because the kids cannot get them off themselves). I bought Thirsties brand and have been really happy with them, about $12 each.
- Peeing is not a problem, just pull out the wet one, wipe and dry the cover, insert new one and you're ready to go. Poopin' is messy. You are supposed to clean off the gunk before putting it in the pail to be sent out, but we generally skip that part. Since they are eating breast milk it doesn't really come off anyway since its more liquidic than anything else. You can get it off the covers, but expect a stain in the non-waterproof portions of the cover.
- Travelling with cloth. We generally do not. We will put them in disposables when we go somewhere and defintely if we travel for more than one day. They can stay in disposies longer with minimal leakage, however, it still does leak! I am not sure how #2 can work its way out of the top of a disposable but it happens! If I do travel with cloth, I just bring a ziploc bag for the soiled ones.
- Diaper Service: we use Modern Diaper Service and have been extremely happy with their service. They come every Friday around noon, and they even go to the back of my house (since we have a lot of sidewalk traffice during the day in front of our house).
- Disposables: we have tried both Pampers and Huggies-- Pampers overall has been our favorite, Huggies leak a lot more (but there are way more coupons for Huggies so we still end up getting those). We go through maybe 30 disposables every 3 weeks or so with using them at night and when we are out and about.
Happy Turkey (or Turduckin) Day! (And a special anniversary)

Bottle Envy... or not so much

Boo! Halloween and the Haunted Housing Market

Lucy and Stella's first Halloween was spent with our friends Andy and Ania over at Ania's sister house with her family, Kasha, Ben, Daniel, and Adam. They live in Severna Park, MD and I tell ya, when we pulled up to a cute house with lots of trees , a big back yard, and right across the way from the water, I thought of our crib in the city and I was dreaming of the suburbs.
BUT, these suburbs were not cookie cutter so it makes it OK right?! Both Dave and I love living in the city- being able to walk to stores, restaurants, and pubs is pretty convenient- not to mention that Dave can walk or bike to work which makes our one-car household work. However, I can't deny that since we found out we were expecting, visions of our girls running around a yard, being able to ride bikes down the street without worrying about the projects a couple blocks away, and having space inside to have crawling kids without blocking off 3 levels of stairwells is pretty attractive.
However, we purchased our home 3 years ago (September 2007) and I am pretty sure we are underwater on our mortgage. While it may not be as much as many folks, we would likely have to dip into our retirement if we sold the house, because we would probably end up owing money at this point. Zillow has informed us that our house is valued at $160ish; when we bought our house it was valued at $220K and at the beginning of the year it was still $200. Granted, we didn't pay $220K, but our neighbor (who purchased a similar house around the same time we did for about the same price,) thinks we would be lucky to get $130-$140K. We know that we do not want to be here for more than a few more years, so the question becomes, will the market recover by then? Dave thinks it is going to continue on the decline for several more years. I am more the optimist... am I being idealistic? Maybe.
So what do we do? Do we make improvements to our home gradually over the next couple years, or do we leave it as is and rent it down the line? Or are we going to have to make improvements just to rent it for a decent amount? I like the idea of making aesthetic changes like changing the fixtures in the bathrooms, and putting in a new kitchen floor etc. And I would love a deck:)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Mama Goes back to Work
I went back to work on September 27, and this was the day that began Dave's 6 week paternity leave. I thought the first day would be really difficult, but as it turned out, the week went fine. It was the following weeks that were increasingly difficult.
Karin (Dave's mom) came to stay with us for a couple weeks at the beginning to help Dave out which was nice.
The largest challenge at work was to remember to pump every 3 hours... luckily my boss gave me a special space to do it on the same floor as my office. My Ameda Purely Yours did a great job however and I came home with a full stash.
The first week was not as hard as I thought it would be... weeks 2 and 3 were a lot worse:)
So its the end of November already (I'm still trying to catch up writing) and Dave went back to work a few weeks ago. I submitted a proposal to my boss to go part time. She was not surprised (she actually thought I was going to quit I think). Her reaction however led me to believe that she might not be OK with the part-time thing, especially since financial literacy is part of my organizations mission- it pretty much IS the mission- and I am the only one on staff that does it. But... guess what? I am working part-time now! So I go into the office on Tuesday and Thursdays and work half day from home on Wednesdays; Mondays and Fridays I can work as I have a chance from home as well. Dave is currently working from home on the days I am in the office so its pretty sweet!
I am enjoying being able to work, but its been a lot less stressful now that I am part time. I was worried I was going to be so busy that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the little moments of growth with the girls, and now I can!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
First Trip!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Catching up Five: Post-Birth

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Catching up Four: Names

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Catching up: Part Three- B; Momma's view

Dave and I went out on date on Wednesday July 21. We ate some appetizers at Flemings Steak House and then saw "Inception". I remember feeling a lot of movement that night during the movie. Did they just really like the popcorn? Maybe, but we later found out that they were getting ready to grace us with their presence for the first time!
Catching up: Part Three-A; The Delivery- Daddy's View

A Dad’s Thoughts on the Births of Luciana and Stella
Water broke 230am ish. Mom talked about how she wasn’t sure if it was really water breaking… we looked up on internet and confirmed. Then tried to sleep a bit, then contractions started. Mom puked. We texted doula. Tried still laying down… around 430 maybe we decided that the contractions were more regular. Started timing and they were at least once every three minutes. Dani was in a lot of pain, walking around a bit more. She puked a couple more times, and kept walking around. I rubbed her back at times, at other times, I couldn’t do anything to make her feel better. Around 4:30 I decided sleep was out of the question and made sure the bags were packed. I made a bowl of oatmeal and walked the dogs. I packed the car, and around 6:15 we left for the hospital. We called Danielle, the doula on the way and she said she was still about 90 minutes out. She had left a vacation in NJ to try to meet us at the hospital. She called Emily, the back-up doula, and said she would be at the hospital around 7.
When we arrived at the hospital, Dani was very uncomfortable and I couldn’t find a good place to park, so I pulled into the emergency parking area, then backed up because it said Police parking only. Dani was not happy I was backing up so I decided to park there after all. I ran inside and checked with the security guard what I should do and he said bring her in. I did and some folks ran up with a wheelchair. I walked with her into the ER and another lady said “you need to come with me and get a pass”. I didn’t even think to yell out to Dani, I’ll be right there! I went and reparked the car after having to drive a few blocks to get into the garage. I went in, got my badge, and headed for the 16th floor.
They must have known me when I walked in because they said, head left, first door on the right, room on the left. Folks were surrounding Dani, trying to get monitoring stuff on her belly to check baby heart rates and contractions. They also found she was 7 cm dilated! Dani was more comfortable standing than laying on the bed, so she didn’t get the straps on her in triage.
It wasn’t long before we walked over to 1602, a delivery room. They were able to convince Dani to lay on the bed there for a while in between contractions to get her strapped up. Dr. Mudd said we should go to the OR immediately and she should consider an epidural. Dani was strong and said she didn’t think she would need it but if she did, she would ask for it. I said, I don’t think we need to go to the OR quite yet. I also asked if they had gotten enough of a reading on the babies and contractions so they could unstrap Dani from the monitoring machines and they confirmed they had so Dani could stand up. Emily arrived shortly thereafter and helped take over for me massaging/applying pressure on Dani’s back. A few contractions later, they checked Dani and said she was 7-8 cm dilated. Dr. Mudd said we should go to the OR now and Emily nodded to me that it sounded like a good idea.
We walked to the OR, with an entourage of me, Emily, and two doctors. I brought my camera and a Styrofoam cup of water with a straw for Dani so she could continue to hydrate. When we got to the door, I had to put on a blue suit, shirt and pants, hair net, shoe nets, and facemask before I could enter the OR. This was probably about 7:45 to 8:00 am. There was a large group of people assembling in the room. In the middle was a tiny bed and there were machines and gadgets strewn around the rest of the room. I found a chair behind Dani’s left shoulder while Emily continued to apply pressure to Dani’s back. One of the nurses told me there was another chair, so I moved in closer, by Dani’s right shoulder. She laid on her side for a while and asked me to get her some water. I went to get the Styrofoam cup and the anesthesiologist sharply told me that was a bad idea in case she needed to go under, so I reluctantly put it back on the ground and took my seat again.
Dani continued to contract for a few minutes and then said, I think I’m ready to push, quietly. No one really heard her and the setting of the OR had me a bit shell-shocked so I didn’t speak up either. Up until this moment, during each contracting she had moaned loudly and was very vocal in that respect. But now she had drawn quiet. She said it again a minute later and they told her to lay on her back and pull her knees up and push when she felt like it, drawing her breath in and holding while pushing for a count of 10, then breathing out and drawing the breath back in, and repeating. I heard one of the doctors, Dr. Atlas, perhaps remark how long Dani’s legs were and the stirrups or what-have-yous were not suited for her length. Around this point, Dani noticed the massive crowd that had gathered and remarked, “there are a lot of people in here!” She then closed her eyes so she could focus without having to look at all those people. I counted, and at that moment, there were 16 people in the room altogether. Dani contracted, pushed, took breaks, making little to no noise when pushing, then gasping for air at the end of each push. Emily had one hand under her back on one side of the table and I had one hand under her back on the other side, rubbing her head and shoulder with my other. She said the pressure helped to support her back. Danielle arrived shortly after and I was happy to see another friendly face. She stood behind me by Dani’s right shoulder and looked on.
The crowd was very vocally supportive of Dani at this point, saying things like good job, you’re doing awesome, you’re doing great… I was still shell-shocked at how fast things were moving and I told Dani “you’re doing great, hon” or “sweetie” here and there but I was thinking, gee, I’m not saying it enough or loud enough so I’m glad these other people are compensating. Mudd was very vocal in her support, and sounded genuinely happy when she said “that was a great push!”. It wasn’t long before one of the doctors said she could see a head. Another nurse asked if I wanted to see, so I stood up, looked to my right and I could see a little sliver of a haired-head peeking out! I sat down and then after a while, the nurse said I could continue to watch, so I did. Watching Dani push and seeing the baby’s head move was really neat! The docs seemed to know she was close and it was maybe 5 or 6 more pushes before the head seemed to really poke out. There was a lot of blood, it seemed to me, but the docs weren’t worried. They used their fingers to clear a little bit of space around the baby’s head.
More to come...
Catching up: Part Two- the prego months

I got really lucky with my months of being pregnant; no morning sickness, just headaches. I attribute them to the increased hormone level, and apparently mine were really high- due to the double trouble in the belly.
Catching up: Part one- the news

So I have been thinking about creating a blog since I was pregnant.. and well, this is what procrastination will do! My twin girls are now 8 weeks old and I am finally getting around to it.