Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Teddy passed away this morning at 8AM. He was just shy of 9 years old.

We brought him to the vet early yesterday morning for surgery to take out a fatty tumor (he had the same surgery 2 years ago). He was doing fine last night, but this morning went into cardiac arrest while still at the animal hospital.

Late this morning, we visited Teddy to say our goodbyes. We will miss him dearly.


  1. So sad.....it is hard to lose a pet that has been a part of your family so long. Winnie is now 12 and had a mast cell tumor removed last May. It was malignant, but she appears to be doing OK for now. Teddy must have had other issues medically to have a cardiac arrest. Thinking about you....By the way....is your Mom still there? Sandi

  2. Thanks Sandi, its been a hard couple of days but we're working through it. Now, Penny (who I think you've maybe met; she is our smaller, but just as feisty, 4 legged canine:) is in charge of protecting the household... and she's been getting lots of love over the last 36 hours.

    My mom actually left Monday evening, the night before he passed. I think she is happy to be home! I know Becky missed her babysitter too:)
