Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ah, summer

Why does it feels like summer is almost over by the time the Fourth of July arrives? I mean, we still have 66% of it left don't we? We aren't supposed to be on the downward trajectory to fall yet, right? Maybe its because all the swimsuits are on clearance and the back-to-school sales are starting... Maybe its because June is now over and I hardly remember it... Maybe its because the weather has been funky this year and it just started getting really hot and balmy... Well, one good thing about it "feeling" like summer is over, is that it motivates me to get my summer on, and fast.

So in the spirit of this independence day weekend, I am freeing myself to stop worrying about the impending fall colors and get to work. I mean, there is still plenty of time for sweaty bike rides, gloppy sunblock applications, sand stuck in uncomfortable places, mosquito bites, sticky ice cream fingers, dirty inflatable pool water, and voluptuous air conditioning bills! On the flip side, there is still plenty of time for slow meandering bicycle trips with fam and friends, beautiful sunny days, build towering sand castles and listen to the ocean's waves, getting bit by a bug or two... but while enjoying an outdoor concert or meal, delicious ice cream, refreshing cold wading pools, and while the AC bills aren't so appreciated, the AC itself is, so...
 In the last week we have accomplished many of these summer pleasures, so I really shouldn't be complaining. And next weekend we will be hitting the beach to make some of those sand castles and play in those ocean waves!