This time it only took 5 hours to get out of the house. We
always think we are ahead of the game but
something always takes longer than we
expect. Or we have forgotten to do something, it never made the list etc. The
packing of the cooler always has to be saved until the day of, and while one
wouldn't think that would be stressful, I can make it stressful! What do we bring? Will that Ziploc bag keep moisture out? Do we have to access
that cheese while driving? What about the grapes? Maybe, and yes. Do we need
the beer cold for when we get to the hotel? And should I bring some salad
dressing for the salad I think I’m going to make that night? Yes and yes. Do we
have enough ice? How many ice packs should I bring and how can I orient said
packs to make sure they distribute the coolness to the items that need it the
most? These are important questions; after all, we will be in the car for 8
hours. And then another 8 hours. And then one more span of 8 hours.

So the cooler is one thing. But then we need to make sure
the dishes are clean, the car is packed, the chargers corralled, the mail is
stopped, and the garden is tended to one more time. These are just a few of the
last minute joys that end up taking, well, 5 hours.
We finally start driving.
This was the first time the girls got to test out the DVD
system in the car, and to no surprise, it was a success. I have to say the
wireless headphones are a blessing. Smooth sailing day one. We sleep in
Zanesville, OH that night. There was a pool, we played, then ate, then hit the
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