After we went to the Please Touch Museum in Philly, Dave was talking about it to someone at work and they let us know about a place called Storyville. There are 2 Storyvilles, each in a different Baltimore suburb. They are affiliated with the Baltimore County public library system. I decided to bring the girls to one today (partly because I wasn't motivated for the extensive sunblock application required of playing outside).
It was a 20 minute journey and when we arrived I was very impressed. First, it was a lot larger and more detailed than I expected; and second, it was free! There was a stroller station by the family bathroom so I didn't have to lug around our double-wide. There were a variety of different sections that the kids could explore: a marine play area with a lighthouse and stuffed marine creatures; a grocery store where they could collect food in a basket and 'pay' for it, a post office to sort mail, a puppet theater, a mini-library, a kitchen where you could 'cook' and 'eat' food, a backyard with a grill and a garden, a costume room, a tree house and a construction zone where they could build cool stuff. We spent a good part of our afternoon there and had a blast!
Going over their plans for a new skyscraper |
Lucy brings her food to the checkout at the grocery store |
The girls awaiting their meal which was being prepped by a 3 year old chef |
The backpacks are too much :)
ReplyDeleteAnd you probably didn't know that they are officially 'leash' backpacks- sans leash when we actually got into the play area of course:) I wasn't sure how I felt about them at first but since I have two I decided I am excused from the "I can't believe you put your kids on leashes" mentality.