Friday, August 5, 2011

You say Tomato...

In my effort to be green and with visions of making organic baby food literally from the fruits of my own labor...I tried to get a plot in our local community garden this year. But unfortunately they were all taken by February. So I decided to create my own urban farm in my 8x13ft (ish) backyardette (since I don't think it can officially be a yard being as small as it is). I had minimal space left in the ground so I bought a bunch of containers (2-5 gallons). I was optimistic and motivated so I planted: tomatoes, summer squash, watermelon, lettuce, radishes, beets, green onions, spinach, basil, cilantro, parsley, broccoli, and strawberries. Now being August, I have learned that I should have planted my greens (and probably
broccoli) as a fall crop. My spinach lasted until the heat wave a couple weeks ago, the cilantro died almost right after I put it in, my watermelon never sprouted (nor did the lettuce). The summer squash plants are large (but who knows if they will fruit), and I am waiting to see what will happen with my beets and radishes. I have an obnoxious amount of Rosemary however!

Summer Squash
 As may be obvious, I only half (or less) know what I am doing when it comes to gardening. I have had success in the past few years with basil, tomatoes, swiss chard, and rosemary. However it's been hit or miss with tomatoes since I first tried them 3 years ago. This year it has been a bit of a miss. I wanted to attribute it to the HOT HOT weather, but everyone else I know that are growing tomatoes around here has had great success this year. We did have a few visits from our neighborhood city kitty (aka RAT) that worked his way under my protective netting and has eaten at least 3 tomatoes from one plant-- which is basically all I got on that one. As for my other bush (or twiggy stalk)... they have been small-- and so far have had minimal fruit. Regardless of size or quantity- they are still delicious!

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