OK, so I did indeed make dinner, a zucchini- portabella number, but what my offspring were consuming was a little less appetizing- at least for us adults. I saw Lucy chewing on something, looking pretty happy about it. When I went to investigate I found out it was a new delicacy that comes in pellet format... dog food. Mmm good. So the good news is she did not officially ingest it, but she was sucking on a piece for a few minutes- yuck.

Moving on... we took the girls in their carriers down to Little Italy. It was the first night of summer movies outside and we thought we would check it out. We did not expect to actually be able to sit and watch a full movie with little ones in tow, so we just went down to check out the scene and get some gelato. They were playing Moonstruck and people were packed in with their captains chairs and Chianti- it was quite the sight! We ended up running into some of Dave's friends that lived down there, hung out for a bit and journeyed back- a bit past the girls' bedtime, but it was worth it!
Photo taken by Mitch Lebovic |
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