Me with Stella, Luna, and Lucy
This was the second time we have flown with the babes and they were definitely more awake this time-- and just a bit fussy. In the shuttle from long-term parking to the airport we were required to take the babies out of their carseats and place them on our lap (which seems a lot less safe to me)- we did not have to do this in August so we were not expecting it and were not very happy. So we thought we were going to have to choose between full-body imaging or a pat down when going through security, as it turns out, we did not. I can feel the sighs of people behind us now when we go through the line however. They see us trying to get all our gear through the xray machines, take off our shoes and jackets, laptop out of the bag, babies out of carseats, seats through the machine, stroller through the machine; I like to think that we are pretty efficient. I brought six 4-ounce bottles of breastmilk with the intention of using it when my sister and I went out. Unfortunately it all went to waste as they have figured out they can get that stuff from the source- so they will only take formula in a bottle and not expressed milk- interesting...
We were delayed about 4 hours total (some at the airport and some circling Wisconsin). I had to feed them on the plane which was interesting; Dave and I cannot sit in the same row since apparently there is only one extra oxygen mask in each row. So each of us (armed with our respective babies) were placed next to strangers; fortunately we could not have found better people to sit with on the extended flight.
We stayed with my sis in their non-official in-law suite in the basement: full bathroom to ourselves and we had our fill of HGTV 'reveals' (we do not have cable at home). They just moved back from Texas in May 2010 and they are living in Como Park with my nephew Nico (3), Luna (4 months), and their two pups Wilma and Dash. There was lots of action, but we enjoyed staying with them since we are all dealing with similar things in our lives right now!
Noe, Luna, Becky, Nico
Me, mom, and Lucy; Dad and Stella

The guhuctus is raw meat that is hand-ground and mixed with egg, onions, and some salt and pepper. This year he made it with Kobe beef- it was very tasty!

We spent Dec. 24 with the Treiber family for my father-in-law's birthday and then again on Christmas morning. We had fun watching them roll around and play with their new toys- they grabbed onto them as soon as we presented the owl and caterpiller (we don't go anywhere without them anymore).

The rest of Christmas day we spent at my cousin Shawn's place in Lino Lake. There was a total of 28 people there (10 of which were kids, 6 under 3). It was a riot with 4 babies under 7 months in the house. Looking at how they all sized up was interesting too: Lucy and Stella are 13 and 11.5 lbs respectively, Luna is close to Lucy (and 6 weeks younger), Gus I believe is somewhere around 20lbs and is 7 weeks older than our girls. Everyone was commenting on how chill Lucy and Stella were- they slept a lot, and they were mostly smiles the rest of the time!
Lucy, Stella, Luna, Gus (from left back to right front)
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