Swimming wristband triumph!
At the YMCA your lil ones have to take a test to get a wristband to determine what they can do in the pool. If they don't have a wristband, you have to be within arms reach at all times. To get a blue wristband, which allows the kids to not be within an arms reach of a parent, your kid must do a 10 second front float and then flip over to do a 10 second back float. Both L&S got the blues in 2015. However, they still cannot be by themselves in water above their armpits.
Its been a long arduous process to get up to the next level. The pink wristband. This color pretty much allows your kid to go in any pool, any depth, on the water slides etc.
This test entails jumping into the "deep end" treading water for 30 seconds, then going into a front float for 10 seconds, and then back to treading water for 10. And while not technically part of the test, the LF still made her swim a half length of the pool. It may not seem like much but let me tell ya, trying to get a 6 year comfortable with treading water when they can't touch can be daunting. My girls can pretty much do anything as long as they know they can drop those toes and hit the bottom.
With that being said, it was pretty fantastic when, at their last swimming lesson for the winter term, Stella just kicked it out. She was like.... I need to get down that water slide, I can pass this test!! And she did. Great motivation for her twin to get moving too:) Good job Stella!
At the YMCA your lil ones have to take a test to get a wristband to determine what they can do in the pool. If they don't have a wristband, you have to be within arms reach at all times. To get a blue wristband, which allows the kids to not be within an arms reach of a parent, your kid must do a 10 second front float and then flip over to do a 10 second back float. Both L&S got the blues in 2015. However, they still cannot be by themselves in water above their armpits.
Its been a long arduous process to get up to the next level. The pink wristband. This color pretty much allows your kid to go in any pool, any depth, on the water slides etc.

With that being said, it was pretty fantastic when, at their last swimming lesson for the winter term, Stella just kicked it out. She was like.... I need to get down that water slide, I can pass this test!! And she did. Great motivation for her twin to get moving too:) Good job Stella!