Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Right on Target..."I'm just saying"

Dear Baltimore City,
I hope you are doing well. Well, actually I know you still have plenty of issues, but I must say, the new addition that arrived this October is quite exciting. And I am thankful that the powers-that-be approved this new corporate taxpayer.

To step back a minute, I made the big trek over here from the Midwest a little over 7 years ago and have lived in Baltimore City the entire time. First it was Fells Point, then Butchers Hill, now upper Fells / Washington Hill. A lot has happened in my life since I arrived, from new jobs and a new house, to a husband and now two kids.  So Baltimore City… you have been good to me. In addition to these huge life events, there are of course the small things that we city kids love such as running down the street to get takeout, meandering over to the corner bar, or  hopping across the street for just about anything from butter to diapers. This has been great; this is why people live in the city, right? So here’s the thing. I either have to go to a CVS, Rite Aid, Safeway, Whole Foods, or (as it happens in my hood) Family Dollar, to get said toiletries, household gear, etc. And they are either priced for convenience or just not an enjoyable shopping/ purchasing experience overall. But really, it is so much more expensive to purchase these items here, in the city. Aren’t we paying enough property taxes?? Sheesh. As for the cost, sure, you can find sales and cut coupons, but really… we all live in row homes… many of us don’t have the space to stockpile, so when we need toilet paper, we need toilet paper, and we are not waiting for the sale, or for the trip to the ‘burbs’.
So I have been making my treks to the “burbs” every few months to get my fix on decent and reasonably priced items. Basically, I am making the trek to Target. When I grew up in the Twin Cities (Minnesota), even though I always pretty much lived in the “city”, I was always in close proximity to a Target. I grew up going to Target and I will never appreciate Wal-Mart in the same way (despite those rollbacks). Now sure, Target is a chain and many of us city people like to say that we shop the mom & pop stores; just like we also chat about the Farmers Market and all the local things we purchase, while secretly we all frequent these “havens of the purse pinchers”. So I’m coming right out and saying it:
I can't believe how excited I am about the Canton Target opening, not to mention ALL the other stores that will be over there (um, Old Navy, Michaels, and it goes on). This is seriously exciting after the YEARS of having to drive and drive to get underwear, shampoo, detergent, really, you name it, at a reasonable price. WHOOPEEEEE!!
I was so anxious for our first date; I was so happy that construction was not delayed and I was able to grab my red cart on schedule. Oh the joy of driving not 30 minutes but 5, and then meandering through the dollar bins, grabbing several things I didn’t need (think autumn colored dish scrubbers, and black cat socks). I then marveled at the stacks of crew neck shirts and sweaters along with aisles of necessary (and probably unnecessary) goods for my offspring.
Now keep in mind that my first visit was limited (as my children were in preschool for only a few hours), but I am envisioning my future jaunts down to the bull’s-eye, strolling around picking out razors, lotion, up and up brand zipper bags, and multi-colored socks. I can sip my coffee (from the obvious Starbucks), sift through clothes that I still think I can wear, find deals on cute bags from random designers; wander through the small appliance aisle, peruse a plenitude of dishware, explore miniature tents by Eddie Bauer, gaze at the (always too early, but still admired) Christmas tree displays. So despite my conflict of trying to minimize my big box store participation- Target has been around for me since I was, well, me, so I’m fessing up, I like my Target. And at risk of sounding like I was paid to write this, they fulfill their tagline in my life… I expect more (and get more) and really do pay less. Thanks B-city for letting the best of the boxes into our little charmed city life.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cardboard Dream House, Stage One

So I have been collecting cardboard and a variety of other recyclables (aka trash) for several months now with the idea that I was going to create a super awesome dollhouse for my kids. Naturally, and to no surprise, all this 'trash' has been hanging out in my house for quite some time, begging to hit the sidewalk on recycling day. So, I finally got started. And I must say, that its kind of fun, and that ultimately, this house will probably not just be played with by my children.
Just a portion of the Trash that I collected

Still missing wallpaper and flooring, but we made some classy furniture in the girls' fave colors. Couches/ beds are from the "Downy" box, table and chair are toilet paper rolls, egg crates, and random cardboard. Ottoman is a cigar case top.

Welcome to "SPA Ghetti" with shower and bubble bath ready to go! I also have a toilet from the top of a creamer container that I forgot to throw in for the pic. [Shower is obvious, bathtub is other half of pasta box, mirror is tin foil].
So I still have a ways to go, but the ladies have already had fun playing with these half-done rooms and helped me to pick out the wallpaper and made some cushions for for the couches. They stuffed cotton balls in the bathtub without realizing how great that is for a doll bubble bath!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pigs, Ponies, and Poop!

One morning last week my neighbor Wynne came running over with the little boy she nannies and proclaimed- "Free petting zoo in downtown! It only lasts 2 hours, you wanna go??" Of course I was still in my PJs and still attempting to down my coffee (despite already being awake for several hours), but a free petting zoo just blocks from my house? I was in. However, in the mad rush to get out of the house, (considering it was already 30 minutes into the event) I still pondered the possibility that this 'petting zoo' may not be as cool as I was envisioning. I mean... it was in downtown Baltimore, maybe they just corralled up some stray kitties and street kitties (aka rats) and threw them in a gated area. Well, only one way to find out!

So we get there. And it was great! (So grateful:)) There was a little band, a station to paint pumpkins, the petting zoo, and even ponies! So we went to the petting zoo immediately (of course) and there was quite the variety considering we were stationed in a plaza a midst office buildings and homeless shelters. There were goats, a sheep, a few bunnies, a couple of handsome white geese, a pot belly pig (I think), chickens, a duck with a mohawk, some baby ducks, and an awesomely ugly turkey. Now occasionally when I go to these types of 'attractions' I worry about the animals etc.; but they actually all seemed very used to kids- and relatively happy unless there was some toddler chasing it around the pen (aka my second born). And even then, they just scooted away and the kid lost interest. There was even a calf named Bambo.
 Stella petting the bunny (finally after it had run from her for so long); and Lucy with the gobbler

So after we spent a fair amount of time co-mingling with all the farmer's friends we painted some pumpkins and then got in the (long) line for the pony rides. The girls (plus Wynne's little pal) all waited like champs for a solid 20+ minutes to get in the saddle. I wasn't sure how my little ladies would react, being that they have never ridden an animal (with the exception of Penny and their father:))- but they loved it! The pony's name was Snowball.

So the last exciting occurrence of this outing was the amount of pooping going on. The girls were very interested in all the different shapes and sizes of poop that was in the petting zoo (but still very quickly cleaned up I might add). In addition, the pig was all about everyone else's pooh which the ladies found hilarious... 'he's eating poop!'. Yes he was indeed. And it topped off the afternoon when Snowball had to stop a couple times while they were on board to lighten her load; and of course once again this was quite the topic of conversation. Well, just a life lesson (as we don't have the book)- everyone does poop indeed!)

So it was a great spontaneous afternoon! Thanks to friends in the know!!