Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Patties Day

We spent this St. Patrick's Day first putting in 6 pavers in our backyard up against the house (a great 5 hour workout) and then we went down to fells point to see some of the action and enjoy a beer on the patio at one of our favorite hangouts.

Stella loved the leprechaun hat and Lucy is doing an Irish jig!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Summer in March

Its just about 80 degrees outside right now... and wonderfully sunny to boot! It's still officially winter right?
I spent some quality time finally cleaning up the garden. Surprisingly, the girls stayed relatively stationary and content under the umbrella transferring dirt from one pot to another; now when I tried to corral them inside for lunch that was a different story:)

Friday, March 9, 2012

At least I know its a reptile...

We take out all the pairs of wooden animals from the wooden Ark and then we put all the wooden animals back in the Ark; we take all the animals out... and then place all the animals back in etc. etc. etc.

This is a great description of many of our afternoons here in the Eden House.

We go through the animals names and talk about their colors, the noises they make, and how many feet they have. We talk about whether they are reptiles or mammals, whether they hop or slither, and if they have a mane or tusks. Then we get to the alligator; oh wait... the crocodile; I mean, the alligator; just kidding, the crocodile. WHICH ONE IS IT??? And why do I not know the difference?

I do now! Here's what I learned thanks to the San Diego Zoo website (top picture is the alligator):

  • Both alligators and crocodiles are considered crocodilians or "crocs"; so right away I don't feel so bad that I have been lumping the two reptiles together in my mind.
  • Snouts: Alligators have wider U-shaped snouts; crocodiles have longer V-shaped snouts
  • Teeth: Alligators' teeth are covered up when their mouth is closed; crocodiles have one tooth that sticks out on each side (most of the pictures I found however, showed more teeth than just one)
  • Home sweet (or salty) home: Alligators tend to live in freshwater; crocodiles tend to live in salt water habitats.

So in looking back at my wooden crocodilian, my best guess is a Crocodile (I think). Well, at least now I should be able to tell the reptiles apart... the real versions anyway!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mid-week Road Trip

So Dave and I had grand plans of semi-surprising his parents at the Dulles airport while they were on their layover between Minneapolis and India. We hit the road a little after 6PM, grabbed some Subway, and embarked on our 90 minute journey.

About half way there, Dave called to let them know we were coming so they could start making their way to where we were allowed to be. We thought we were golden (being that they had a lengthy layover). Unfortunately it wasn't that easy. We did take them by surprise, and its a bit of work gathering all one's belongings, taking the train to the main terminal, and then having to go through security all over again to get back. We tried negotiating... just a bit. Then, we quickly realized that we should have called them before we left; if anything to find out that we shouldn't venture out. But nonetheless, we were already almost there... so we still had an airport adventure!!

We parked in short-term parking (extremely close to the main terminal)- rolled the girls in- asked someone if it was possible to get a gate pass- by her response, it seemed possible, so we waited in line at the Indian airline for a good 30 minutes only to have no success- bummer! BUT.... we had a huge playground right before us, so the girls ran around for another 30 minutes or so, climbing on chairs, opening automatic doors, and attempting to climb onto the baggage claim just a few times:)

And like any good road trip, there is always an unexpected event. So while we were sad we couldn't see Grandma and Grandpa, we still had an adventure that mixed up our routine a bit-- and some good quality family time in the car to boot (yes, there was singing)!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Baby Dry diapers... again

Last May I posted this; last week I ordered a pack of 222 Baby Dry diapers so that the girls could wear them overnight to minimize leakage. I opened them last night so each girl was wearing one. This morning guess what happened? I guess I should search my own literature in the future. In the meantime, I am working on returning them to; if that's not possible, I imagine we will go through them quickly, especially since they don't hold much!

Friday, March 2, 2012

We want to do what you do!

We are right in the middle of the phase where the girls are constantly wearing our shoes and hats along with sitting in big chairs... slow down little ones!

Lucy wearing Mom's boots and apron

They didn't look excited yet, but when I put something for them to mix in their bowls--- the messy fun began! 

Lucy started this fashion with my hat... and was soon trying it on Stella too... 
I think Stell thought it was too old-fashioned for her taste:)

We couldn't keep the ladies off these 'grown-up' chairs, so we eventually just moved them away from the table
(to prevent table exploring of course)
And we don't want to forget to add this....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD/ OPA, hope you enjoyed the rest of your day!!