Monday, October 31, 2011

Ooo EEE Ooo ah ah

It was a sunny brisk Halloween today in Birdland (aka Oriole and Raven country). Our whole family woke up this morning with perfectly appropriate halloweeny goop streaming from our breathers. Despite the seasonal snuffles, we still enjoyed the day. We carved a mini- pumpkin and visited Dave at work so the girls could show off their new statuses as Princess Lucy Goopella and Princess Stella Snotella (thanks to Amy L. who passed the cute costumes down after her twin girls were done with them!). We also visited a couple of our neighbors and got some trick or treating in!

Ew.. what do you mean the Prince is a boy??!! Gross!
"I'll take the chocolate, and Stella, you can have the pretzels... moo wah ha ha ha!!"

"Yeah, I know I look cute, obviously...I'm a princess!

Two videos: we received a singing dog for Halloween from Grandma and Opa that sings "Witch Doctor"; the first is this morning, and the second is this evening.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Finally, a glorious morning, after 5 months of a climbing morning glory vine... it finally has flowers!

And, while I have not officially talked to the doctor yet. I called and was able to talk to a nurse this morning and she read me the results of the girls blood work.

They have the HB (hemoglobin) Fountainebleau trait. And according to the written results, this variant is not associated with any hematologic or clinical disorders. Thank goodness.

We still are waiting on the official call from the doctor, so there may be additional implications- I don't know.

On a lighter note, I looked up the Fountainebleau trait and found that it originated in an Italian Family- I guess there was a reason that our ladies have slightly Italian sounding names! Now, even though the science says it originated in Italy.. Fountainebleau is very French; actually its a lovely town of 20,000 outside of Paris. In my opinion, I think their true roots probably lie in royalty... the Chateau de Fountainebleau for example!

OK, so maybe that's a bit overkill, but at least now we know:)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Good News and the Bad News

The good news is that I spent today furiously cleaning and making cookies to keep myself busy while waiting... The bad news is that we never received the call from the doctor at the Pediatric Hematology department with the girls' blood results.

Two and half months ago I called (after being referred by our pediatrician) Mount Sinai's pediatric hematology/ oncology department to set up an appointment. The purpose was to draw the girls' blood in order to determine the identity of an unknown variant in their blood. When babies are born they receive the PKU test. Most babies are born with FA red blood cells (fetal and adult) and by the time they are one, they only have the A red blood cells. The girls PKU came back as FAV (fetal, adult, and a variant). Our pediatrician recommended we go to a specialist, but not until they were at least one.

I find out that we apparently cannot just set up an appointment on referral, we have to have our doc send all the paperwork and ask for the appointment himself- and then the hospital will call us back to set up an appointment. I had our doc do all the necessary steps... 2 weeks go by. I call Mount Sinai... they said they received the paperwork and were just waiting for us to call... what?? Weren't they supposed to call? Anyway, we set up an appointment.

The appointment itself was four weeks ago.

So 4 weeks ago, we went to Mount Sinai; we were brought into the exam room (aka hospital room) and told how to work all the electronics and where the play room was with free snacks and refreshments. It felt like we were checking in or something! As it turned out, we used the play room, ate some snacks, and watched cartoons in the room.... as we were there for 3 hours. We arrived thinking we would be there maybe an hour at most, since all we were going to do was draw blood. We had an intern chat with us for 45 minutes. She asked us a lot of random questions and would take several minute breaks between each question and just watch (was it her personality that prompted her to do that? Or was it part of determining if there was something 'wrong'?- who knows...). Fortunately, hospitals are clean.. very clean so the little ladies were able to explore in the room throughout the wait. When the doc finally came it we had been there for 2.5 hours already. He explained that there are over 500 variants and there are only 5 groups to be concerned about. Since neither Dave nor I know if we have a variant (and one or both of us do), he explained that it could either mean something for girls (if both Dave and I have a variant), or not much (if one of us only has it)- but then it could mean something for their children. Or it could mean nothing for anyone... which of course is what we are hoping.

After we were done speaking with the doctor, he told us to call back in 2 weeks. They were sending their blood to the Mayo Clinic and they would know then. He leaves and then we are finally ready to tackle the actual blood-taking. It was not fun. I had taken measures to make sure that both girls were rested and fully hydrated before we went to the hospital, and of course it was now over 3 hours later.

We get home, I mark the calendar for 2 weeks from that day. The two weeks go by, albeit slowly. I call in the morning. They transfer me to the nurses line to leave a message. Its the afternoon, we have heard nothing. Dave calls. He talks to someone who tells him to call back in another 2 weeks....aaah!

I mark the calendar again. Two weeks go by, again, slowly. I call this morning. The receptionist remembers us-- oh you have the red-headed twins! Yes. Our results our in; the doctor wants to call and talk. I call Dave and let him know the results are in. I am nervous. Is it good or bad that the doctor wants to talk? Is it normally just a nurse? It's the afternoon, I have heard nothing. I call back. They said he was definitely going to call today (the second time they confirmed this).

It's 8:30PM, we have heard nothing. Out of any department in a hospital- one would think that a department that deals with your children and specializes in hematology, not to mention oncology, they would be a little sensitive to the fact that parents would like to be notified regarding results (good or bad)... especially if we are told they are in and we are going to be contacted on this day... AAAH!!

My first official blog vent.

I just have to remember the good news...

Monday, October 17, 2011

1 week anniversary of our 3 year anniversary!

October 11, 2011= Dave and I's three year anniversary!

We went on a date... on our roof:)

The Capital and the Capitals

We made a trip to DC to visit our good friend Brian who moved to South Carolina and was back in town for a brief visit. Dario had a BBQ at his digs in downtown DC- we spent a few hours with them while Lucy showed off her two-legged skills and Stella was making sure her mother was behaving herself as she was quite content doing the hip dance with me-- on my hip- most of the afternoon.

Cool Lucy

Brian, Lucy, Stella examining goodies on the coffee table

We made our way to the Verizon center for the hockey game a bit late and it took us quite a while to find parking. We didn't want to pay $25 to park if we were only going to see the last part of the game anyway. We eventually found a spot on the street and we only in the arena for 20 minutes or so. It worked out nicely, being so late we were able to sit on the first level- instead of the fourth where our "official" seats were located.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Does the River look high?...

So we went back up to the Catskills this weekend to retrieve our belongings from our great flood adventure. Fortunately the river did not look high this time around. The basement was dry and our pack n' plays, shoes, Wii and numerous baby books and creative playthings were all present and in good condition- sans water damage.
The trip was short (arrived 9:30PM Friday, left at 1:30PM Sunday) but sweet. Despite the 7 hours it took for us to arrive, the leaves were just about full color and the weather was warm during the day and perfectly cool at night. We were able to relax (as much as one can with two 14-month girls anyway) by the not-so-high river and were able to create the most-recent memory of the fabulous A Frame cabin to succeed (but of course not replace) our last one.

Lucy looking all grown up with her "do" 

Saturday evening- the moon was bright; it illuminated the expansive yard in front of the cabin. We could hear the rushing river behind the crackling fire. Behind us, the walnut trees expelled their seeds; the thumps were quite loud (and somewhat startling in the dark) as the nuts took their 10-foot leaps to the ground. We were sitting in two big Adirondack chairs around the fire; as the night went on, the fog came in and we heard coyotes howling in the distance... it was quite beautiful!