Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Night Live!

Yes indeed, it is Saturday night in the Eden house where were are partying the night away listening to music online, watching our fake fireplace, and playing with numerous objects that rattle, crinkle, and squeak.
I would like to share a couple pictures that reflect a frequent occurrence in our daily lives:)

First pic is Dad and Lucy (mom dressed her); second pic is of Dad and Stella (guess who dressed her??)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Skype video calls make me feel Old!

So let me preface this with the fact that I love Skpe.

That doesn't mean that it still doesn't make me feel a bit old.

Now of course, according to many, I am not old (at least to anyone older than me). However, it is truly insane to be living in this time. My generation of X and Y (of which I am a lovely blend based on which periodical you read) is experiencing one of the greatest technological evolutions of all time- or at least up through this point in time.

I remember buying our first computer at some point in the 80s. An IBM with the infamous black screen and green letters. I remember being really excited in elementary school for computer lab when we got to play the Oregon Trail on the Apple.

I remember typing my first paper in high school on the word processor.

And I remember using the computer lab at school and envying my roommate for having her own. I don't remember using the Internet until I was in college when email had a newly-minted and grand place in my life.

Now, in our cozy Charm City rowhome, in the possession of 6 laptops- some working, some not- we ponder the old days.

OK, well maybe not so much ponder as look back in awe and how so much can change in so short of time.

I remember thinking (when I was young) that cars could not have been invented yet when my parents were kids because they were soooo old. And now, at 32 with my first children, I recognize how I feel in life, and the fact that my mother was also 32 when she had her first child-me. The speed of time is relative to age. And >age the >time goes by.

So this rant was supposed to lead into a conversation about Skype. I am pretty sure I invented the concept of Skype when I was 8, so its unfortunate that someone stole my idea. :)

Skype video calls enables long-distance relationships to thrive as they never had the chance to before! Its great to feel like we are all in the same room and it makes the country seem a bit smaller when trying to connect with family.

Emotionally satisfying-yes; family bonding- yes; some occasional technical difficulties- yes... see below! Will post shortly...

A study in linguistics: Spooky Stella

So this is what happens when Daddy tests out funny laughs on his daughter:)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Pop: They are moving!! All over the place!!

It was literally one day... it happened... I had the girls on their play mat on the floor in the nursery. I went to the bathroom. When I returned a minute later... Stella was officially under the bed. No worries! Her head was sticking out and she was playing with a sock! She had moved a good 4 feet are her own--- not yet, mama thinks!!

Two days later Lucy shimmyed her way over to the tv stand and took the Play Station off the shelf and started pondering the meaning of a Grand Theft Auto video game as she tasted the package. And keep in mind, this all happened within 20 seconds.