Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mom and Dad's first all-night out!

Dave and I got an entire night out on January 28th! My work was having their annual party and we stayed over night in a hotel! Grandma and Opa were in town from Minnesota and watched the girls from 5Pm to 1PM the next day- very nice of them!

It was a great break away, but of course we were very happy to see our daughters once we got back!

Baby Teeth... are sharp!

Lucy's first tooth started popping through her lower gums in mid January, and as of last week I notice Stella's are now coming in as well!

They have been doing massive amounts of drooling, really for a couple months now, so I knew those porcelain babies were going to come in soon!

Lucy bit me once and i firmly said "no", stopped feeding, and then resumed a moment later. She has not bit since. Stella on the other hand, has bit several times. Each time, I have been tandem-feeding, so I did not want to verbally say "no"- I actually tried, but Lucy thought I was talking to her too.

Grandma Karin mentioned that she used to flick her boys' cheeks. I tried this with Stella, but everything I do just makes her laugh! And then of course I laugh too.

I have done some research. The expert concensus appears to be:
  • Unlatch, but make sure to use your pinky finger in between her mouth and you, otherwise you could put yourself in more pain
  • When unlatching use a firm "no" or "Do not bite Mommy" and do not re-feed immediately, wait a minute and if it keeps happening up to ten.
  • Make sure you are calm- if you shriek or push your baby away at the first feeling of teeth, you will likely frighten her and possibly put her on a nursing strike.
  • If the biting happens early you can either massage or use a warm cloth to speed up the let-down (someone massaging your shoulders helps too!), or feed her solids (if she is at the stage) first
  • If biting happens at the end because of sleepiness, release the latch before she falls to sleep.